maandag 7 november 2016

The Big Chop

Once again, I have chopped my hair off.  Every two years (or really a little less), I chop my hair off and donate it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.  They only require 8 inches of hair, so the chop is pretty darn easy.

People say “Oh, it’s so nice that you do this.”  And I guess it is.  But it’s also because I’m super lazy.  Until last week, I hadn’t gotten my hair cut since January of 2015.  Because I don’t dry it (lazy), my hair stays pretty healthy, so I don’t have to worry about ends getting frayed.  It probably doesn’t hurt that I’m good about taking vitamins.  Apparently proper nutrients help keep your hair healthy too.  I can tell that the ends do get a bit dry, so I’m going to try to be extra careful about getting moisture into my hair.  I’m sure all the time in the pool doesn’t help.

So. Much. Hair.

So. Much. Hair.

By the time I’m ready for a cut, I’m ready for a cut.  My hair gets so unwieldy.  And big.  And I end up just wearing it up in a bun most of the time, but it gets so heavy that it gives me a headache. I know, my life is so hard.

bundles of hair

It kind of amazes me how much hair I have when it’s all chopped off.  It’s hilarious to watch the stylist try to cut through the giant bundles.  I know my hair is thick, but I always forget just how thick it is.  Also, it looks kind of pretty all bundled up.

As always, I love the new cut.  My head feels so light, my hair dries so quickly (well, comparatively speaking, anyway) and it’s so much less work to deal with.  It does mean that I can’t just pull my hair in a messy bun before work anymore, but I think I can deal.

I’m also weirdly excited to find out how easily it fits into my swim cap.

Ignore the giant bags under my eyes. This was Friday morning and I haven't taken another pic since.

Ignore the giant bags under my eyes. This was Friday morning and I haven’t taken another pic since.

The post The Big Chop appeared first on Elbowglitter.

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